Two Villages in the Turkestan Region to be Renamed

The relevant information was provided on the "Open NPA" portal.

05/08/2023 - 20:33
Source: Kazinform/Mukhtor Kholdorbekov
Source: Kazinform/Mukhtor Kholdorbekov

The villages of "40 Years of KazSSR" and "Chicherino" in the Turkestan Region will receive new names, as reported by citing the "Open NPA" portal.

This decision was made based on the recommendations of the regional onomastic commission on May 3rd, 2023, and takes into account the opinions of the local population.

"The Akimat (local government) of the Turkestan Region and the regional maslikhat (local council) have decided to rename the village of Chicherino in the rural district of Kablanbek Saryagash District to Sіrgelі; and the village of "40 Years of KazSSR" in the rural district of Maktaaral Maktaaral District to Al-Farabi," states the document.

The resolution will be open for public discussion until August 18, 2023.



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