Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Military Personnel Conduct Second Stage of "Kanzhar-2023" Exercise

The second phase of the "Kanzhar-2023" exercise has commenced with the participation of military personnel from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The initial stage took place in Uzbekistan in early August.

10/08/2023 - 19:49
Source: Ministry of Defence Press Offices, Republic of Kazakhstan and Republic of Uzbekistan
Source: Ministry of Defence Press Offices, Republic of Kazakhstan and Republic of Uzbekistan

Taking place at the "Oymasha" training range in the Mangystau Region, the activities are scheduled to continue until August 12th, as reported by Sarbaz.kz, citing the press office of the Ministry of Defence of Kazakhstan.

Within the exercise framework, servicemen will engage in long-distance marches, evaluating their physical readiness. Additionally, a 45-kilometer run with full combat gear will take place, along with an assessment of tactical and medical preparation levels.

"Contemporary armed conflicts worldwide necessitate the broad application of state-of-the-art methods and strategies in military operations. This includes knowledge exchange with leading armies of other countries, maintaining readiness for various tense situations, and continuous enhancement of skills and expertise through cutting-edge technologies. These exercises place a special emphasis on these aspects," stated a communication from Uzbekistan's Ministry of Defence.

Photo: mudofaa.uz

The first phase of the "Kanzhar-2023" exercise occurred in the city of Chirchik in the Tashkent Region, also in early August. This stage involved 18 Kazakhstani military personnel who engaged in computer-based command and staff exercises, simulating combat tasks in the cyber domain.




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