Zhenis Kasymbek: We plan to Complete Over 30 Long-Term Construction Projects This Year

Around 4,000 families of homebuyers will be able to move into their apartments by the end of the year

21/07/2023 - 23:32
Source: Zhenis Kasymbek's Instagram account
Source: Zhenis Kasymbek's Instagram account

The Mayor of the capital, Zhenis Kasymbek, has visited construction sites listed as long-term construction projects, accompanied by homebuyers. The city's leader shared this information on his social media page, as reported by Sarbaz.kz.

"The situation with long-term construction projects varies. While some places had building skeletons, others were still at the foundation level. For instance, the construction of the 'Arystan' residential complex began 11 years ago. At the time of transfer, the project was only 20-30% complete. The 'Sadovye Kvartaly' residential complex was identified as problematic 8 years ago, and at the time of transfer, it was only at the foundation stage," commented Jenis Kasymbek.

The Mayor of the capital promised to complete 30 long-term construction projects by the end of the current year. This commitment would allow around 4,000 families of homebuyers to finally occupy their coveted square meters.

The meeting was attended by future residents of residential complexes such as "Korgalzhynsky Kvartal," "Mirny Dom," "Arabi 2 – Granitny 2," "Zere-2," "Arystan," "Future Home," "Sadovye Kvartaly," and "Territoria Komforta-1, 2 oche." In addition to the progress of the construction, the Mayor highlighted that questions about house improvement were of interest to the homebuyers.



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