The Border Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan is recruiting for military service under contract.

Service members have outlined the requirements for those interested in enlisting for contractual military service.

20/07/2023 - 12:20
Source: Official website of the Border Service of the NSC RK
Source: Official website of the Border Service of the NSC RK

The recruitment for contractual military service in the Border Service of the NSC RK is ongoing in the Mangystau region, as reported by, citing the Public Communications Center of the region.

According to Aslan Kalin, the Head of the Personnel Department of the Border Service of the NSC RK for the Mangystau region, the Border Service under contract is looking for: drivers, diesel electricians, mechanics, cooks, paramedics, and radio operators.

"With 31 years in the Border Service, there have been many changes. Attention is given each year to military equipment and uniforms, providing free medical services, and improving social conditions. Therefore, we are seeking responsible specialists. If citizens have special achievements in sports, we also welcome them to join special units," - Aslan Kalin states.

Altynbek Zhumagaliyev, a consultant in the Personnel Department of the Border Service, has provided the details of the requirements for those applying for contractual military service, as well as the conditions of service and the level of remuneration.

"First and foremost, applicants must be citizens of Kazakhstan. It is important to have no health problems. We accept citizens with secondary, vocational, and higher education, aged between 18 and 32 years. Additionally, contract soldiers will be provided with free seasonal uniforms and a minimum salary of 200,000 tenge. Alongside free medical coverage, each family member will receive a housing allowance of 58,500 tenge. Annual leave of 45 days will also be granted, not including travel time," - stated Altynbek Zhumagaliyev.

According to the Public Communications Center of the Mangystau region, applications are accepted at the following address: 13, 1st microdistrict, Aktau city. For inquiries, please call 460-624.



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