Tokayev Congratulates Kazakhs on the Day of the Republic

For the second year in a row after a long hiatus, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of the Republic.

25/10/2023 - 17:13

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev conveyed his congratulations to the citizens of Kazakhstan on Republic Day, celebrated on October 25th, as reported by, citing the Akorda press service.

"I congratulate you on our national holiday – the Day of the Republic!

The declaration of state sovereignty marked Kazakhstan's historic choice, laying a solid foundation for the country's progressive development. This momentous document affirmed the indivisibility and inviolability of our territory, the commitment to strengthening our national identity, and the guarantee of citizens' rights and freedoms. These fundamental principles are now embodied in Kazakhstan's Constitution, laws, and strategic course.

The Day of the Republic is a majestic symbol of our people's long-held dream of independence coming to fruition. This celebration reminds us that, throughout history, our people have overcome every challenge and trial through unity and solidarity. Following the ancestral legacy, we preserve and strengthen our national unity, reverently cherishing and safeguarding our sovereignty.

The Day of the Republic embodies our sincere aspiration to collectively build a harmonious and prosperous society and inspires us to achieve new accomplishments. Responsible citizenship is reflected in our readiness, through both words and actions, to contribute to the sustainable development of our country.

Only together can we realize all the planned transformations and build a Just Kazakhstan – a state of equal opportunities for all! May our turquoise flag proudly fly, uplifting the spirit of our nation!" the President said.

For the second year in a row after a long hiatus, Kazakhstan celebrates the Day of the Republic. Experts agree that this holiday holds special significance for the country's future.

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