Kazakhstani Citizen Who Fought on the Side of Terrorists in Syria for 10 Years Surrenders in Turkey

A Kazakhstani individual, who had been a member of a terrorist organization in Syria since 2013, was brought back to Kazakhstan from Turkey by the National Security Committee (NSC), according to Sarbaz.kz.

13/11/2023 - 09:33

On November 10, the committee's personnel transported back to Kazakhstan a citizen who had been part of a terrorist group in Syria since 2013. He voluntarily surrendered to the Turkish authorities with the intention of returning to his homeland.

Criminal proceedings under Article 257 of the Criminal Code (creation, leadership of a terrorist group, and participation in its activities) have been initiated against the detainee. The fact of his voluntary surrender will be taken into account during the investigation.

Through his own example, he sought to demonstrate to other militants the futility of their presence in terrorist activity zones. Upon arrival in Kazakhstan, he was apprehended, as reported by the NSC.

It was previously revealed that Russian authorities are making efforts to mobilize additional military forces, including recruiting citizens from neighboring countries (including Kazakhstan), to participate in conflicts.

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