In case of emergencies, citizens are advised to activate their devices to receive instructions post-siren alert.
The Emergency Situations Ministry reports that a nationwide alert system check will take place. Sirens will be activated, as reported by The system check is scheduled for Friday at 12:55 Astana time as part of the "Qys-2023" command and staff exercise.
"To draw public attention in case of potential emergencies, electric sirens, voice alert systems, or other signaling devices will be activated, indicating the 'Attention, Everyone!' uniform alert," the statement reads.
Upon hearing this signal, everyone is expected to activate available information reception means (TV channels, radio, websites, social media, mobile apps, etc.) to receive details and instructions about the current situation.
"The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan urges citizens to remain calm, avoid panicking, and refrain from succumbing to rumors,"
Previously, the Emergency Situations Ministry conducted the "Zymyran-2023" exercises, focusing on practicing procedures in the event of a space accident, as reported by