Protests in Israel: Around 150,000 People Take to the Streets of Tel Aviv

Mass protests against the government's judicial reform have been taking place weekly in Israel since the beginning of the year.

16/07/2023 - 19:17
Source: AP Photo
Source: AP Photo

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in the heart of Tel Aviv for the 28th consecutive Saturday, rallying against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's judicial reform amid escalating crisis and the absence of compromise between the ruling coalition and the opposition regarding the advancement of the reform, as reported by

The organizers of the protests announced actions in 150 locations across Israel, including major cities. According to estimates from the Israeli crowd behavior analysis company, Crowd Solutions, at the main protest event on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, approximately 150,000 people gathered. The protest organizers stated that around 400,000 people took to the streets on Saturday evening across Israel, with half of them participating in the demonstration on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv near the Azrieli intersection, where the government complex is situated.

According to The Times of Israel newspaper, certain groups of Israeli army reservists and the national medical association have expressed their intention to join the protest actions.



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