Japan to Increase Defence Industry Budget by 2.5 Times

This move is in response to the unstable regional situation.

09/08/2023 - 20:00
Source: zimbio.com
Source: zimbio.com

In the coming five years, Japan is set to amplify its defense budget by two and a half times, as reported by Sarbaz.kz citing the Ministry of Defense of Japan. The budget will rise from 17.2 trillion yen to 43.5 trillion yen, equivalent to approximately 303 million dollars.

While Japan's military was once considered a mere armed formation, its servicemen will now evolve into a formidable force.

Japan's Ministry of Defense is pursuing the augmentation of its own combat arsenals. Furthermore, against the backdrop of escalating influence by other major powers in the Asian region, Japan aims to enhance the potential of its defense infrastructure, capable of safeguarding against unforeseen attacks.



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