US Army Tests New Communication Equipment

In order to provide soldiers with essential communication capabilities, experts from the US Army network are testing equipment in vastly different scenarios.

16/08/2023 - 22:42
Source: Japan Times
Source: Japan Times

Segments of the 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii and the 82nd Airborne Division in North Carolina have recently been equipped with individual radio station kits integrated with a tactical network, as reported by citing Defense News.

According to Colonel Sherman Dyan, a communications expert from the Command, Control, and Communications Program Executive Office, the aim is to gather results from the tactical network's performance.

"The 25th Division is focused on island capture, fleet and maritime use. They are much more dispersed, whereas the 82nd Airborne Division is practicing joint force entry. These are two different battle scenarios with different network sizes," the officer stated.

As the army prepares for potential conflicts in the Indo-Pacific region, where it could face challenges from China, or across Europe where engagements with Russia could arise, increasing attention is being given to divisions – formations numbering around 15,000 soldiers, capable of sustained combat and technical support. Such exercises are driving the army towards transitioning to new division-level network architectures.



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