Turkey to Procure New Anti-Ship Missiles

It is expected that Turkey will save up to $500 million by selecting Atmaca to replace the American-made Harpoon missiles, as the domestic weaponry is roughly half the cost of the American alternative.

18/08/2023 - 20:01

The Turkish Navy is set to incorporate the domestically produced Atmaca anti-ship missiles into its arsenal, as reported by Sarbaz.kz citing Saha Istambul.

Eleven naval platforms in Turkey will be armed with the domestically manufactured Atmaca anti-ship missiles under a deal with the state-owned company Roketsan and STM.

The weapon represents a precision anti-ship missile that can be deployed on assault boats, frigates, and corvettes. Roketsan asserts that the system is autonomous, exhibits a low radar cross-section, operates in all weather conditions, and showcases countermeasure resistance. The company also boasts three-dimensional mission planning capabilities, along with target updating and mission abort functions through data transmission channels.

The length of Atmaca can range from 4.3 to 5.2 meters, weighing 750 kg, with a flight range of 220 kilometers. The warhead of the system weighs 220 kg.

It employs both an inertial navigation system and a global positioning system for guidance.

Atmaca is poised to replace the aging stock of American-made Harpoon missiles. STM has indicated that the integration of Atmaca missiles with naval platforms will be completed by April 11, 2027.





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