Poland to Manufacture the Javelin Anti-Tank System

The Arms Agency will pay $103.5 million for this weaponry.

11/09/2023 - 23:30
Source: Yonhap
Source: Yonhap

Poland's defense conglomerate, PGZ (Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa), and the joint venture of Javelin, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin have entered into an agreement to produce the Javelin anti-tank system in Poland, as reported by Defence24, citing Sarbaz.kz.

Przemysław Kowalczuk, a member of the board for Mesko's development, stated, "This is the result of many years of intensive work and PGZ's involvement in the supply chain and becoming a certified Javelin manufacturer."

He emphasised that they will not be producing just components or parts but entire rockets. The main contractor will be the Mesko plant, with some components manufactured by facilities within the Polish Armaments Group, which are already part of the supply chains for American weaponry. Full-scale production is expected to be achieved "within several years."

The Polish military already possesses Javelin missiles, with a contract worth $54 million signed in May 2020 for the delivery of 60 launchers and 180 missiles, including training.

On January 31, the head of the Ministry of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak, announced the decision to acquire more "Javelins." An addendum to the 2020 contract stipulates that by the end of 2026, the armed forces will receive 50 enhanced LWCLU launchers and 500 missiles in the latest "F" version. The Arms Agency will pay $103.5 million for this weaponry. The initial batch included FGM-148F missiles and standard CLUs.

Javelin is an American missile with thermal guidance capable of engaging armored targets at distances ranging from 2.5 to over 4 km.



$ 451.27  489.13  4.87