South Korea to Commence Mass Production of Indigenous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

21/08/2023 - 16:52

South Korea is set to commence the production of its own medium-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), with additional funding allocated from the state budget, reports, citing South Korean media.

Over the past decades, South Korea's defense capabilities have significantly grown, and one of the key factors behind this growth has been the ability to produce lightweight medium-altitude UAVs.

According to the objectives of the country's Defense Procurement Program, production is expected to reach its initial capacity by 2026, with plans to establish mass production of such UAVs by 2028. It is reported that the investment in the project will amount to 960 billion won, approximately $70 million.

The project's goal is to enhance national security against external threats, particularly from North Korea. Additionally, as highlighted by the media, by establishing mass production of UAVs, South Korea could become a leader in this field. The government is willing to invest considerable resources in the implementation of this ambitious project.

Unmanned aerial vehicles serve not only technical and tactical purposes but can also be used for reconnaissance purposes. Experts note that mass production of UAVs will be a significant step in reshaping the balance of power in the region.



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