"A Powerful Explosion Rocks Tashkent, Several Injured"

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Uzbekistan has refuted information about a plane crash.

28/09/2023 - 10:31
Source: gazeta.uz
Source: gazeta.uz

During the night, a powerful explosion occurred near the Tashkent airport at a customs warehouse, triggering a fire, as reported by Sarbaz.kz citing Gazeta.uz.

The explosion's shockwave shattered windows in dozens of apartment buildings in the vicinity, and many ambulances were dispatched to the courtyards of residential areas. Numerous residents had to spend the night in their vehicles, and some vehicles sustained damage.

According to the Uzbekistan Customs Committee, the warehouse is owned by a private enterprise. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Uzbekistan has refuted reports of an airplane crash.

All individuals injured as a result of the explosion and fire have been transported to the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care (RNCSEM) and its branch in the Tashkent region. Fortunately, there were no severely injured individuals among them, primarily facial lacerations.



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