Israel-Gaza Conflict 2023: The Global Outlook

On October 7th, an unprecedented attack was launched on Israel from the Gaza Strip. 

09/10/2023 - 14:00
Source: AFP
Source: AFP

The sudden unprecedented attack has not left the international community indifferent with nations across the world reacting in various ways as the conflict intensifies. The following article overviews the impact and consequences of the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict on the global stage. 


Over the weekend, France has heightened security measures around Jewish sites, particularly in Paris and its suburbs. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, despite stating that there was "no threat" at the moment, ordered the strengthening of security around places of worship and Jewish educational institutions. Security measures had already been increased in mid-September with the onset of the Jewish new year and the celebrations of various holidays in September and October.


Germany has bolstered security around Jewish community buildings and Israeli representations in response to Hamas attacks on Israel. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser mentioned close monitoring of "potential Hamas supporters in the Islamist sphere." Reports also cited individuals celebrating the attacks on Israel in Berlin's Neukölln district.

United Kingdom

London police increased patrols in parts of the city due to "incidents" related to the Israel-Hamas conflict. Interior Minister called for "zero tolerance" against the "glorification of terrorism." The Metropolitan Police announced heightened patrols to ensure a visible presence and reassure communities.

Demonstrations in Support of Palestinians in the Middle East

Numerous demonstrations in support of Palestinians occurred in several Middle Eastern countries over the weekend.


In Iran, where the president expressed support for the "legitimate defense of the Palestinian nation" and blamed Israel, hundreds demonstrated in major cities, including Tehran, waving Palestinian flags. Posters in Tehran read "the great liberation operation has begun," and Israeli flags were burned.


Hezbollah organized a rally in support of the Palestinian offensive in Lebanon's southern suburbs of Beirut. A senior Hezbollah member, Hachem Safieddine, praised "the heroes of Gaza" and declared that "the time for revenge has come." Supporters chanted "Death to Israel."


In Damascus, reports suggested that young people distributed pastries to cars in a central square to celebrate.


Thousands in Istanbul marched in support of Palestinians. An activist from one of the organizing associations stated, "The Palestinian people are only defending their homeland, it has nothing to do with terrorism."


Demonstrators in Sanaa burned Israeli and American flags while Houthi militiamen, supported by Iran, chanted "Death to America, Death to Israel."


A demonstration in support of Palestinians was expected in the holy Shiite city of Karbala, while a gathering in Baghdad involved protesters waving Palestinian flags, trampling Israeli flags, and chanting slogans against the United States and Israel.

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