Israel "Disables" Syrian Airports in Aleppo and Damascus

 The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have not yet commented on the information regarding the strike on Syrian airports.

22/10/2023 - 15:43

Israeli aircraft attacked Syrian airports in Damascus and Aleppo at around 5:25 AM local time. As a result, the runways at both airports were damaged, and they are temporarily non-operational, reports citing "RBC."

According to the report, the attack was carried out by the Israeli Air Force from the Mediterranean Sea at around 5:25 AM local time. The runways at both airports were damaged, and one worker at the Damascus airport lost his life, while another was injured.

As reported by the Lebanese TV channel Al Mayadeen, citing its correspondent, at least four rockets were launched at the Aleppo airport, although some were intercepted by the local air defense system. The channel also reported sounds of explosions near the Damascus airport.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have not yet commented on the strike on Syrian airports.

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