Foreign Ministry Confirms Death of Kazakh Citizen in Gaza Sector

Previously, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that it had no information about Kazakh citizens killed in the conflict zone.

24/10/2023 - 10:24
Source: Times of Israel
Source: Times of Israel

A Kazakh citizen was killed in the Gaza sector as a result of airstrikes, as reported by, citing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the ministry, the woman had been residing in the Gaza sector with her husband, a Palestinian citizen, for an extended period. Her 23-year-old daughter, also a Palestinian citizen, died alongside her.

It's worth noting that Palestine intends to file a complaint with the International Criminal Court against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of the genocide of the Palestinian people. This was revealed by Palestine's Minister of Justice, Muhammad al-Shalalda. He stated that Israel violates the principle of proportionality in military necessity.

The accusations of genocide arose following an attack on the Al-Aqsa Hospital, in which hundreds of people died. HAMAS accused the Israeli side of the attack, while Israel published conversations between two militants of the "Islamic Jihad" group who claimed that the rocket was launched accidentally and did not intentionally target the hospital.

Shortly thereafter, the New York Times issued an apology for accusing Israel of striking the hospital. Later, the NYT stated that Hamas refused to provide debris from the rocket that hit the hospital.




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