Ukraine Develops an AI-Based Automatic Turret

A Ukrainian technological company has developed a semi-autonomous artillery turret capable of autonomously tracking and identifying targets using artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

03/11/2023 - 15:58
Source: Defence Blog
Source: Defence Blog

The National Guard of Ukraine recently conducted trials of a remotely controlled turret utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance its combat capabilities, as reported by, citing EurasianTimes.

Whether this weaponry system was developed on specific orders from the Ukrainian military or is the company devDroid's independent invention remains unclear. However, the presence of the National Guard during testing indicates that the government is poised to play a significant role.

The armament system is designed for rapid and precise enemy detection and elimination through the use of artificial intelligence. Additionally, the combat module can protect key positions with a first-person view (FPV) and reconnaissance drones, shield personnel, and divert enemy fire.

The new remotely controlled turret autonomously recognizes enemy combatants, calculates the target's distance, tracks moving targets, and computes ballistic parameters. The operator is left with the sole task of giving the fire command.



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