Iran has acquired new Su-35 fighters

Statements from the deputy minister suggest that the deliveries may have already taken place.

29/11/2023 - 11:58

Iran's Defense Ministry representative, Sardar Farahi, confirmed the final agreement with Russia regarding the delivery of military equipment, as reported by citing Tasnim.

In an interview with Tasnim, he announced the upcoming delivery of attack helicopters Mi-28, Su-35 fighters, and Yak-130 training aircraft.

Continuing the conversation, Farahi highlighted the achievements of Iran's military industry and emphasized the significance of acquiring Russian aviation technology. He also stated that this equipment would soon enter Iran's military inventory.

In December 2022, Israeli media, citing sources in Western intelligence services, reported the possible transfer of 24 Su-35 fighters from Russia to Iran. Initially, these aircraft were supposed to be sold to Egypt, but following the failed deal with the US administration, the decision was made to supply them to Iran. It's worth noting that Russia had unsuccessfully attempted to sell these aircraft to Algeria and Indonesia. Malaysia and India had also shown interest, but no agreement was reached.

In January 2023, a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Islamic Council, Shahriar Heydari, confirmed the impending deliveries, stating that the aircraft would arrive in Iran at the beginning of spring.

In May 2023, Iranian authorities announced that the receipt of Su-35 fighters was expected "in the coming weeks."



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